Christmas count down…23

In Iceland we count down to the 24th of Des.  That´s the day we celebrate.  At 18.00, or 6 o´clock on the 24th we ring ring dinga ling in Christmas.  At my parents house by six everything was ready and we sat down to eat, usually a smoked lamb, something we call Hangikjöt.  Now that I have my own household we say cheers at 6 and dinner is ready at some point after that.  I don´t have a special dinner for that day.  It depends on the mood and where in the world we are because I have spent Christmas in quite a few countries with my husband.



For the fun of it I made a little advent calendar


Every day until Christmas I will post something in the spirit of Christmas that I stumble upon while browsing the internet, recipes or fun things to make.

I love finding cool stuff to do for Christmas, specially something that doesn´t cost much…This being one of it.  We have those guys lying around all over the place.  I love this Idea.


You can find how to make these here at

And now we get to open number 1. YAY!  Did everyone find the number 1 ?
