The house by the sea foodwaves


Month: April, 2018

Roti – Indian flatbread


I was looking into videos making roti on a gas stove and then tried it myself and guess what, It totally works!  My roti has never popped like it did straight on the fire.

I have a video clip on instagram:

You can use classic roti dough or even pizza dough.  I´ve tried both.

Use flour:water about 2:1

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • a teaspoon salt

Mix well, cover and let sit for an hour or so

Or use a classic pizza dough, everything you need to know about making one you can find here:  HOW TO MAKE PIZZA DOUGH


When making roti, start by rolling out the dough, I make them about 5-6 inches.  On a medium – hot pan heat it for 30 seconds on both side, then flip it over on the gas flame.

You can find good videos on how to at youtube by searching for roti gas stove










First post for a very long time

I´ve been wanting to start blogging again, mostly because I´ve been cooking quite a bit and not writing down the recipes and therefor forget them.

One of the reasons I stopped is because the standard of food blogging was so high, people were posting amazing photos of food, and what I also learned is it was even fake food, like sour cream for ice cream and things like that.  I just wanted to cook, snap a photo and eat.

Since my photos were not professional and I didn´t have time to make the blog a full time job I got overwhelmed of the standard and  lost some interest.

I´m going to post the recipes I like with real photos and no pressure.

I bought Jerusalem Artichokes and decided to make a soup, I also had a very nice head of cauliflower.

All ingredients in a pot with 1 liter of water.  I used Red Thai chili paste, Sweet Thai chili sauce and curry to spice it up.

I saved one Jerusalem artichoke and sliced it thinly with mandolin, put it on a baking sheet, drizzled olive oil and salt over it and baked for about 15 minutes at 200°c.  Watch it closely so it doesn´t burn.

Cauliflower Soup

  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 3 Jerusalem artichokes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 teaspoons Red Thai chili paste
  • 2-3 tbsp Sweet Thai chili sauce
  • 1 tsp curry
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 liter water

I used magic wand (food processor) to blend it rather smooth.  Served with homemade bread buns.