The house by the sea foodwaves


Category: misc

What should I have for dinner tomorrow?

Are you a food blogger?  Do you have a favorite dinner recipe to share?

If you do and you have blogged about it (If you are not a food blogger but know of one and a good recipe)  please post a link to it in the comments.  I´ve spent all morning trying to think what I want for dinner today and I am so uninspired and I would love to try something new.  So tomorrow I hope I can cook something good from what you suggest.

Until then I will spend the rest of the afternoon to decide  on what to cook tonight….just one of those days, I want something good, something I haven´t done 1000 times before but don´t know what..

Ever felt this way? 🙂

You can do so many different things with almonds.  Roast them, marzipan, almond milk, almond flour and so on and on…

I tried to roast them the other day.  That was nice.

Roasted Almonds

  • 2.5 dl sugar
  • 7 dl almonds
  • 1/2 dl water
  • 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon, if you like

Put sugar, water and cinnamon in a frying pan.

Add the almonds and stir well together on medium heat until the sugar crystallizes.

Move the almonds to a parchment paper and cool down.

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Say cheese and when I met Kiefer Sutherland

We had a cheese and red wine fiesta.  What a combo!

And talk about cheese.  I was downtown Reykjavik one evening, having drinks with friends.  At a bar we saw a guy dressed up as a rabbit.  That was funny, at least funny after couple of beers.  We asked the rabbit if we could take a picture of my friend with the rabbit.  And to get them both in the picture I needed to step back and ask this guy to move a bit, that guy was Kiefer Sutherland.  I am sure we was more used to people asking rabbits to move so they could take pictures of him.

I´ve spent last 2 hours trying to find this photo, no luck, but I will post it when I find it.

Until then I got pictures of the cheeses we had the other night. This is fun, invite people over for dinner and serve cheeses, baguette and some good salami.

What to serve:

  • Lots of fresh good baguette
  • Few different types of cheeses
  • Few types of salami
  • Jam
  • Red onion, thinly sliced
  • Red pepper, thinly sliced
  • Fruits, f.x melon, strawberries and grapes
  • Red wine and White wine

My favorite combo on a slice baguette is camembert, jam, slice of green pepper salami with a slice of red onion and red pepper.



Strawberry fruit roll ended up being Strawberry Nori sheet…

I tried making fruit rolls since I am always looking for healthy snacks for kids.  I failed big time this time.  I guess I made it too thin so I ended up with strawberry-paper.

I will try again…

My strawberry-paper looks like pink Nori sheets so maybe I can use it for sushi…hmmmm, strawberry dessert sushi??  Any suggestions for the filling?

Here is a  recipe the way it is supposed to be.  I was going for strawberry fruit roll and used only strawberries.  Everything looked good, the puree was nice and all, I just spread it too thin.

I did not warm the berries first. In the recipe from the link above they do, but I´ve seen other recipes where they don´t.  I don´t know if it is better to warm them up or not.

Doesn´t look good 😛  hahah!

Strawberry fruit roll 

  • 2 boxes fresh strawberries

Puree the berries in a mixer.  Spread the puree ona parchment paper.  Oh oo…Don´t spread it too thin…

Bake for 5 – 8 hours at the lowest heat, my oven was at 50°c.  Keep the oven door slightly open.

If you want to do the strawberry “Nori” sheets, spread the puree very thin  🙂

It´s that time again, it´s getting darker around midnight, so dark I need to turn on the light when I´m reading before going to bed.  This summer has gone by so fast. Time sure flies, and like someone said:

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you´re the pilot.


Cheesy blog

I have been experimenting with making cheese.  If you have a good milk, juice from a lemon and a rennet, you´re good to go. Well even just with milk and lemon juice you can make a nice Ricotta.  But adding a rennet and it´s super easy to make any kind of cheese, for example, Mozzarella.

Like always, before I try something new, I google it and I find it good to watch some videos on youtube.

This guy is a pro, he is a cheese shop owner and this guy is in his kitchen at home and explains well  how to make a mozzarella.  Then you can browse through bunch of other videos about making cheese.

The only acid I used was the lemon juice and it worked well.

This is how I did it this time.  If you watch the videos I linked  and check this out, a  little more info about making Mozzarella, you are good to go.  When doing things the first time it may sound more complicated than it is, but after one time making it, you will find it easy cheesy…


  • 2 L organic fresh milk
  • 2-3 drops of rennet (mixed with 2 drops of water)
  • 2-3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Put milk and lemon in a pot, heat it at 30°c.  Stir now and then.
When the milk is 30°c add the rennet and heat it to 37°c
Turn off the heat and take the pot of the stove.  Let it stand with a lid on for 20- 30 minutes.

Pour the whey out with a sieve.  What you got in the sieve is what will be the cheese.

Now you have to squeeze out all the whey.  Don´t be surprised on how little cheese you get out of 2 liters of milk.  They say you get 100 g of cheese from one L of milk.  But you can use the whey for all kinds of things.  It is very healthy.  You can add it to your smoothie, use it for baking bread and more.  (Lot´s of Ideas on Google).

Heat water in the pot to 90°c.  Add the cheese to the water.  you can also microwave the cheese.  After you heat it you will be kneading it for a bit and make a mozzarella ball.

I used my cheese on a pizza.

I had a friend with me in the kitchen and we made both mozzarella and ricotta.  it was such a good and cheesy pizza.  You can´t beat the homemade stuff!

And then it was perfect on with the bruschetta,the classic version: Good bread, bunch of super awesome extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh basil and ripe and juicy tomatoes…grilled to perfection.

Honey butter

honey butter

Honey butter

  • Butter, room tempature
  • Honey
  • Salt

Mix the ingredients well together.  Just taste it to find out how much honey you like in the amount of butter you are using.

This is so good with sopaipilla, I have never made sopaipilla myself but it is on the agenda 🙂


One of my favorite food is Crêpes. I have so many good memories from Canada where we made crepes in the mornings when we had a sleepover at friends house. (Too much wine and saving a cab ride)

I ´m not a sweet tooth so I always make my crêpes savory. The morning crêpes have just what´s in the house. Usually all kinds of cheeses, ham, bell pepper, spring onion and spices. (oregano, basil, salt, paprika….)

But my “in the evening” or “for lunch” crêpes are more stuffed and so delicious!



  • Crêpes (recipe below)
  • Boiled rice
  • 1 red pepper
  • Leek
  • good ham
  • Cheese
  • Mustard sause (recipe below)
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Paprika

Boil the rice.
Bake the Crêpes pancakes.
Dice the ham, red pepper, leek and cheese.

Usually I bake all the crêpes at once and then put back on the pan and fill them up one and one.

First I put the cheese, then ham, sauce, rice, red pepper and leek. Finally the spices. Fold it and heat as long as necessary. Usually just couple of minutes to melt the cheese if the rice are warm.

Mustard sauce

  • Sour cream
  • Sweet mustard
  • Dijon
  • Mable syrup
  • Salt

Dash of this and dash of that, to taste. If you like garlic you could add a little bit of garlic.

If you don´t like mustard a garlic sauce is also good with this. Same recipe, just skip all mustard and add garlic and some olive oil.



  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk (or as  much as you want them thin..)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp butter (melted) or some good oil

Mix well. Bake


I´ve made this for a larger group than just two. Then I made all the crêpes at once and put it in a oven proved dish and heated it in the oven.